That Pension Fund Act no. 24 of 1956 Section 13A, Regulation 33, requires us to process your personal information. We consider the grounds listed below to be relevant:
1. That by Accessing our online system, you give consent to us to use the personal information you are submitting in a certain way
2. Where necessary so that we can comply with the Legal Obligation to which we are subject (for example where we are obliged to share your personal information with the regulatory bodies which govern our work and services including the Funds I.e. Motor Industry Retirement Funds MIRF, that we are contracted to, which extend to MIFA as an administrator governing the investment of provident Fund monies that we collect monthly on behalf of MIRF), the FSCA, LABOUR DEPARTMENT
3. Where necessary for the performance of a contract to which we are a party, or to take steps at your request via enforcement processes. Or to take steps where there are non-compliance.
4. Where it is your or someone else’s vital interest (in case of emergency and your Family member as authorised, needs to act on your behalf)
This is to allow us to comply with POPI act 4. Of 2013, in terms of handling of personal information.
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